To Tweet or Not to Tweet, That is the Question


Okay, so I’ve had my Twitter account active for nearly two weeks now.  I’ve been withholding judgement until I had put in a little time with it.  Although I had signed up a long time ago, I really didn’t see the point, so I didn’t use it.  However, Shrew and Music Maven encouraged me to give it a try.  I still didn’t see the point.  I thought I might be able to use it to let off steam, thus naming it My Evil Twit.  But then I found the more I “tweeted” the annoying things, the more I noticed them, and the more I was searching for interestingly annoying things to “tweet” about.  Not a healthy view of everyday life.  But I stuck with it, and am beginning to see the limited value of the thing as an entertainment and communication venue. 

I  like the fact that I can throw things on Twitter that  I would tell an office mate if I still had one.  I miss miss MISS my office mate/fellow teacher more than I can put into words, because we could share everything, (including Homer-esque discussions) and laugh at ourselves.  Twitter fills that hole a bit.  It is also a bit of an extension of our mutual blog communities so the discussions (quips) are shared with people we are familiar with already.  Kinda fun—like chat on the go.  And I’ve made contact with a few people that I hadn’t spoken to in awhile.  It makes it very easy to keep in touch.

There are pitfalls however.  It is a distraction of mass proportion.  I am constantly drawn by my phone *beep*beep*beeping* at me.  I didn’t make the mistake of sending everyone’s updates to my phone, but the few I do have sent simply can’t be ignored.  I mean, Heaven forbid I miss something, being the Nosey Rosey that I am.  😉

So, all in all, I guess I’ll keep on Tweeting.  And now that I know the lay of the land, I’m going to start exploring the vast world of celebrity Tweeters.  Now *this* could be fun.

So, if you’re on and I don’t already follow you, let me know so I can add you to my huge “follow” list of 11 people.  And may the Twit be with you.  😉